Group Comm Home Page
What is Group Communication?
Small group communication, as a course, is the study of "interaction of three or more interdependent people working toward a common goal" (Engleberg and Wynn, 2003, 4). In these courses, we create interpersonal experiences and challenges in groups of 4-6 people. Each project centers around a different type of problem.
Group Communication differs from Organizational Communication in that it doesn't look at the entire institution or agency. It differs from Interpersonal Communication (IPC) in that it includes at least three people in the dynamics of interaction. So, Group Communication, as taught in this course, includes elements of both Org. Comm. and IPC.
You will find pages devoted to the syllabus, course calendar, course assignments, the final project, photos of various projects, and more.
Projects and Problems Tackled in this Course:
Note: assignment sheets describing each task are available for each of the following activities.

Group Comm., Spring 2003
About the professor, Dr. Dan Fox
He comes by way of CSU Fresno (assistant professor for 3 years), and two community colleges in San Diego prior to that (Southwestern College and Mira Costa College). He has an AA (SWC,'88), BA (SDSU,'92), two teaching credentials (CSU Chico,'94), MS (SIUC,'95), and a Ph.D. (SIUC,'99).
He loves teaching, and prefers using active learning methods for instruction. He holds the conviction that a learner must be engaged, cognitively and affectively, before they truly connect with the material. Once conncected, they are encouraged to apply that learning to life and its problems. Realistic opportunities for that application are afforded via the course projects and reflection papers.
Presenters-In-Action, Spring 2003